Why can't I approve this booking?

Your user got an approval request email, clicked "Approve" but received an error message saying they don't have access to approve. Here's how to fix this.

Important note about approvals and approvers: only users registered as Administrators have approval rights by default. If you'd like someone who's not an Administrator to be an approver for travelers under a policy, you must set that user up as a Coordinator and give them approval rights. Here's how.

Note: this setup can only be performed by registered Administrators, other users cannot perform this setup on their own profile.

Step 1: Go to the user's Profile via People, in Role and Policy make sure that their User Role is Coordinator (or Administrator; Travelers cannot approve bookings). If they're a Traveler, upgrade them to Coordinator and click Save.

Profile role and policy

Step 2: Scroll down to Coordinator Privileges in their Profile, ensure the Approve Trips is checked. Click Save if you updated that.

Profile coordinator priveleges

Step 3: Scroll down again to Permissions to Approve Trips (within Coordinator Privileges) and click Edit Permissions:

Profile coordinator book approve for2

Step 4: For Permissions to Approve Trips select either All Company Travelers or Selected Travelers (select travelers from the list if it's just Selected Travelers), and allow (Yes) or not allow (No) them to approve for Unregistered/New Travelers. Click Save to commit your changes.

Profile coordinator book approve for edit

Bonus step 5: If this user is only approving for a select group of your travelers, look at Email Notifications in Coordinator Privileges, check "Send email alerts when approval is needed" and click Save -- and don't add this user as a recipient in the Travel Policy Notifications and Approvals Emails section. This way the approver will receive only notifications and approval requests for travelers and bookings that he or she can approve.

Profile coordinator notifications


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