Save hard dollars, soft dollars, and opportunity costs to unlock business travel savings you didn’t know existed.
Discounts & Perks
- Access AmTrav's negotiated airline, hotel and car discounts
- Relationship Managers help negotiate your own business travel agreements
- AmTrav Groups Department saves money on events
Designed for You
- Set business travel policy & approval rules that meet your needs
- Relationship Managers advise on policy, approvals, and payment
- Travel Advisors ready to help business travelers escape jams fast
One Connected Platform
- Automatic unused ticket tracking & application to save on travel expenses
- Accurate, real-time travel data to confidently share and analyze
- Consumer-grade booking tool for all booking needs
How does AmTrav compare?
Save money and time
Automatic. When a company signs up with AmTrav the company accesses AmTrav’s negotiated rates, money-saving business travel policy and approvals, unused ticket tracking and application, plus time-saving traveler service, admin tools and training.
Happy travelers?
Yes! Bookers and travelers see all options in AmTrav's fast, easy-to-use booking tool that automatically applies discounts, policy, unused tickets, and travelers' loyalty numbers, and Travel Advisors are ready to help fast.
Happy administrators?
Very happy! Not only does AmTrav save money with discounts, business credit card tracking, business travel policy and more, but running the program takes administrators less time because configuring and adjusting the corporate travel program is easy and expert Relationship Managers are ready to help with fast answers and advice.
Other TMCs
It's complicated
Not easy. Once fees are negotiated and contracts are signed, the business trips program gets loaded into the TMC system, the online booking tool, the analytics and duty of care tools so travelers can start traveling.
Happy travelers?
No. Unused tickets are a little easier to access, corporate travel policy, approvals and discounts are applied, but bookers and business travelers often shop Google Flights or Expedia before coming back to the antiquated corporate booking tool to book.
Happy administrators?
Somewhat. Travel policy, TMC discounts and company discounts are applied, and administrators can save time using different TMC, booking tool and analytics provider reports and tools, but they have to juggle several complex business travel tools, each with its own login, contract and contact.
Drives your productivity
Automatic. When a company signs up with AmTrav, the company accesses AmTrav’s negotiated rates, money-saving travel policy and approvals, unused ticket tracking and application, plus time-saving business traveler service, money saving tips, admin tools and training.
Happy travelers?
Yes! Yes! Bookers and business travelers see all options in AmTrav's fast, easy-to-use business trip booking tool that automatically applies discounts, corporate travel policy, unused tickets, and travelers' loyalty numbers, Travel Advisors are ready to help fast, and travel administrators don't nag travelers to forward itineraries for tracking.
Happy administrators?
Very happy! The company automatically accesses business travel savings and gets help negotiating their own business travel expenses, policy and approvals are automatically applied, data flows automatically into AmTrav dashboards for travel costs reporting and analysis -- and Relationship Managers have the administrator's back with fast answers and advice.
DIY travel
Drives you nuts
Easy! Bookers book wherever they want, maybe the company suggests certain sites over others, like Expedia or Google Flights that help save money by showing multiple airlines, hotels and car rentals.
Happy business travelers?
Mostly yes. Bookers and travelers can book wherever they want, though they have to interpret corporate travel policy themselves, track and use their own unused airline tickets, and updating travel plans takes a lot longer than it should.
Happy administrators?
No! Unused tickets are wasted, policy isn’t applied easily or evenly, the company gets no travel spend discounts, and the administrator wastes a ton of time gathering business travel data and helping travelers change travel plans.
Download the "Concur Travel vs. AmTrav: How To Really Save Time & Cut Costs" comparison guide for an honest look at the strengths and weaknesses of each program, and choose the right business travel management platform for your company.
See The Comparison Guide
“As a result of the partnership with AmTrav, PPM is now able to efficiently book travel and save money.”
What discounted airline and hotel rates does AmTrav offer clients?
As much as we'd like to we can't share specifics of any airline, hotel or car rental agreements that AmTrav has -- suppliers don't like that. If you're really curious and want to save on business travel costs - both time and money - with AmTrav, reach out and we'd love to talk!
That said, we assure you that AmTrav has business travel discounted rates with several major U.S. airlines and a number of hotel brands and individual hotels. Moreover, AmTrav uses our technology to source rates from different sources like online leisure websites, those hotel rates sometimes come with discounts up to 20% off published rates. We're continually looking for business travel saving opportunities to save all clients money with rates that make sense for companies and their business travelers.
How much does a company need to spend to qualify for travel spend discounts?
First, client companies don't need to meet any minimum travel costs to access AmTrav airline and hotel discounts. When clients spend more, though, Amtrav Relationship Managers are experts at understanding clients' needs and helping them negotiate corporate airline, hotel and car rental agreements.
Airlines: companies can qualify for airline small business plans that earn perks (free premium seats, waived fees, etc.) with as little as $5,000 spend per year. Airlines will negotiate corporate travel discounts and perks (like giving your executives premium status) with clients who agree to pre-pay airfare starting around $50,000 per year. Larger discounts without pre-funding start around $200,000 to $300,000 in spend on an airline annually.
Hotels: individual properties usually ask for an annual 50 room night commitment to negotiate percentage discounts or flat rates, with additional savings beyond 100 nights. Large hotel brands require a million dollars in spend per year for brand-wide discounts, though some smaller brands and chains within brands require less.
Car rentals: companies will give small discounts (like 3%) without any minimum spend, discounts start increasing after about $5,000 spend.
Note! Coming through and (hopefully) out of the COVID pandemic in 2021, airlines, hotels and car rental companies have relaxed spend and room night requirements.
Want to learn more money saving tips or talk discounts in more detail? Reach out, we'd love to help!
Should bookers and travelers compare other websites with AmTrav?
Bookers are free to shop around their favorite sites, however we believe this isn't a great use of time. AmTrav has guarantees from the biggest airlines that we're getting their lowest fares, we have discounted fares from certain airlines and discounted rates from certain hotels, we have special technology to pull in additional airline and hotel rates, and we have client company's negotiated rates. Rates booked off AmTrav don't have travel policy or unused tickets applied, don't include AmTrav service and their spend and tracking data don't flow into AmTrav systems for administrators. So between the low likelihood of finding lower rates and the inefficiencies of booking away from AmTrav we believe that AmTrav saves you money, time and stress on travel so you have more time and focus on your job.
It sounds like there are a lot of ways for clients to save time and money, can you list them all?
Sure, here's a running list. Save money with:
- Your own discounts
- Amtrav discounts
- Supplier perks
- Unused tickets
- Travel policy
- Pre-trip approvals
- A booking tool that bookers actually use
Save time with:
- A faster, easier booking tool for bookers
- Fast, capable service for travelers
- One tool, one contract, one contact for admins instead of four
- Easy onboarding and training for admins, bookers and travelers
- Reliable travel expenses data reporting that doesn't need to be constantly double-checked
We'll add more as we think of them :)
On average how much money do clients save with AmTrav?
Great question, and to be perfectly honest with you we're still working on reporting that both clients and AmTrav experts believe in. We don't like to throw around half-baked, inflated numbers, so we'll share a number when we have one we can stand behind.