AmTrav Blog

Vaccinated? Two States Are Waiving Their Travel Restrictions for You

Written by Elliott McNamee | February 23, 2021

Last month we wrote about Hawaii Lieutenant Governor Green's suggestion that travelers fully vaccinated against COVID might soon be able to skip Hawaii's rigorous pre-testing and quarantine requirements.

As of now Hawaii has not exempted vaccinated travelers from their requirements. In fact they, along with states like Alaska, Connecticut, and Massachusetts, expressly state that vaccinated travelers are subject to the same requirements as un-vaccinated travelers.

But there’s some good news! Some 5,000 miles east of (and about 60* F cooler than) Hawaii, Vermont and New Hampshire became the first two states to announce that travelers who have completed their COVID vaccine requirements at least 14 days prior to arrival will not be subject to testing or quarantine orders.

Fully vaccinated travelers can now visit these two states to downhill ski, cross country ski, snowshoe, ice fish, drink syrup, and more without needing to quarantine upon arrival!

COVID infections and hospitalizations are falling, vaccine rates are rising, and states are frequently updating their restrictions for vaccinated travelers. For now, keep your mask on and stay safe - we look forward to more of this good news and seeing you soon.

P.S. While some quarantine restrictions are waived, mask requirements are not - be sure to pack your mask!

P.P.S. Texas, Florida and many other states have no travel restrictions in place, so you are free to visit those states any time you like.