We know how hard it is to keep up with the constantly-changing risks and restrictions facing your travelers right now while they conduct critical business for your company. With that in mind, we decided to rethink how we help you ensure the safety of your team.

To give you clearer, faster visibility into the risks your travelers face, today we added a dedicated Tracking & Safety section to a2b that combines a2b’s most-used traveler tracking reports with international safety data.

Here’s what you’ll find in the new Tracking & Safety section of a2b:

  • Traveler Locator Report shows where travelers are in real time, along with details of their air and hotel journeys. This information used to be in a2b’s Travel Reports section, but we’ve made it easier to find. We added traveler contact email and phone numbers to make it easier and faster to contact them if you need to, plus we added a column that tells you if a traveler’s international destination is subject to a State Department Travel Advisory.

  • Arrival Manifest and Departure Manifest Reports have also moved from the Travel Reports section. The Manifests show travelers flying today or tomorrow with exact flight details, which can be particularly useful when you’re trying to manage groups of people traveling together on the same flight or arriving at the same place from various cities.

  • Travel Advisories Report allows you to quickly assess the risk to your team members on international trips. This new report shows your travelers' international bookings, the countries they visit, and the U.S. State Department Travel Advisory level for each country. We've included a FAQ with more information on the State Department Travel Advisories.

We think these tools will further empower you to keep your team members safe as they conduct important business for your company out on the road. But we’re not done yet. We welcome your feedback, as always, so please don't hesitate to let us know if there are other ways we can help.

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