AmTrav Blog

Insights, tricks and tips to help you deliver a great business travel program & traveller experience for your organization.

Posts about

Corporate Travel

How Travel Managers Can Prepare for Changing TMC Economics (part 2 of 3)

Elliott McNamee | November 1, 2023

Following AmTrav’s radically honest TMC Secrets webinar (watch it here), yesterday we shared how...

How TMCs Make Money Today and How that Could Change (Part 1 of 3)

Elliott McNamee | October 31, 2023

Have you ever wondered how your travel management company (TMC) makes money and pays their bills?

NDC Bundling: Yea or Nea?

Elliott McNamee | May 26, 2023

Something we hear more and more from airlines, from customers and from prospects: “NDC bundling.”...

Webinar Recording: Not Another NDC Webinar

Elliott McNamee | May 17, 2023

AmTrav takes buyers' pressing NDC questions and shares our unique NDC experience on "Not Another...

Summer 2022 Travel: How bad was it?

Elliott McNamee | October 14, 2022

Going by the headlines, summer 2022 travel was truly, uniquely awful.

Hotel Rates Are Rising, How Can Your Company Save Money?

Elliott McNamee | June 28, 2021

My my, how things change in a few short months in the corporate travel industry.

What We Learned From Nearly One Billion Airfares (And How It Can Help Your Business Travel Budget)

Greg Samson | March 30, 2021

AmTrav recently studied a large number of airfares ‒ over 917 million of them ‒ to understand how...

COVID Cases, Vaccines and Travel: What We Expect Business Travel to Look Like in 2021

Elliott McNamee | December 8, 2020

You've probably seen the news: COVID cases are continuing to climb in the U.S., triple summer case...

“How much do you charge for that?”

Elliott McNamee | November 25, 2020

Responding to the Company Dime story about AmTrav’s partnership with Journera to provide real-time...

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