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What to Pack for Travel During COVID

What to Pack for Travel During COVID

With stores and restaurants keeping odd hours, and a lot more to worry about from a safety standpoint, we need to be more mindful when packing for a trip during the COVID-era. Here’s quick list of items to consider:


  • Masks or Face Coverings: not only are face coverings critical to keeping you and others safe when social distancing isn’t possible, they are increasingly mandatory on planes, in hotels, and other public places. Depending on the type of mask you wear and duration of the trip, you might need more than one.
  • Hand Sanitizer: alcohol based with at least 60% alcohol is best. If you plan to bring with you on the plane, the TSA allows one 12 oz. bottle.
  • Disinfectant Wipes: although cleaning protocols are much more thorough now among airlines, hotels, and car rental agencies, extra careful people can do your own cleaning of surfaces around your airline seat, hotel room, and rental car. Wipes are handy at gas stations and public restrooms that may not be cleaned as frequently.
  • Health Insurance ID Card
  • Snacks: keep in mind, food may be harder to come by while you’re traveling. Most airlines have reduced or eliminated food service and many airport restaurants are now closed altogether. Hotel minibars are usually not operational, and some properties have closed restaurants, room service, and/or lobby shops.
  • Travel Laundry Detergent: in case you want to wash your face covering while on the road.
  • Travel Thermometer
  • Small Plastic Bag for Hotel Remote: if you plan to utilize your hotel TV and are concerned about touching the remote control, one trick is to cover it in a small plastic bag.
  • UV Wand: these are getting a lot of attention now, as easy ways to kill bacteria on surfaces. Click here to see some of the options available.

Although some of these items are intended to ensure the cleanliness of surfaces and touch points, it's worth noting the CDC believes the primary mode of transmission for COVID-19 is through close person-to-person contact. While it may be possible to contract COVID-19 by touching a surface or object and then touching your mouth, nose, or eyes, that is considered much less likely.

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